Forschung, Lehre, Publikationen, Recherche, Enseignement , Publications
Grégoire Farquet
Grégoire Farquet
Academic Achievement
with Chair of Architectural Behaviorology, Prof. Momoyo Kaijima, ETH, D-ARCH
JDPLS - Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences
“Learning Architectural Ecology
A study on the making of a hand Actor Network Drawing”
JDPLS, sept 2023 - June 2024
Introduction to Methods in Learning Sciences I, II
Theorethical Foundations of Learning Sciences I, II
Exploratory phase (background, pre-studies, test study, research plan)
Explanatory phase (semi-structured interviews as 1st part of data collection).
Business Behaviorology at Square
Project lead at the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology. Project proposal, funding, preparation, and teaching (focus work with workshop on site), with Reichle N., Seminar for Sociology, HSG University St. Gallen, Spring 2023-Spring 2024.
Innovedum Teaching project “Informal Learning as a design practice: creating safe space to engage with real-world problems”
Project lead at the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology, 2021-2023
Together with Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation, Prof. Persyn
Research, Project proposal - funding -, teaching projects (studios, and focus works), exhibitions, colloquia, preparation for transfer.
FLI- Physical spaces
Project lead at the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology, 2019-2022
Research, Design research in form of various teaching projects (workshops, and focus works, reference drawings), exhibitions, colloquia
Publications, Exhibitions, Conferences, Workshops
A Space for us!
Workshop, Tag der Lehre, with Reichle N., Seminar for Sociology, HSG University St. Gallen, May 2024.
Gebaute Innovation?
Eine ethnographische Annäherung an das Universitätsgebäude SQUARE Reichle N., Farquet, G., Kerrison, O., in peer-review. 2023-
Pour des espaces d’apprentissage informels
Farquet, G., Emo, B., Tracés, Espazium, June 2023
ARCH+ 249 „Learning Spaces“
Guest-editor Collaboration Chair of Architectural Behaviorology (Momoyo Kaijima, Grégoire Farquet) and Chair of Cognitive Science (Christoph Hölscher, Beatrix Emo, ARCH+, September 2022
Laughter and the Kingdom, A Convivial Celebration with Ivan Illich
International conference hosted by the University of Fribourg, Sept 2022.
Spaces for Education in the Post-Urban Age, with Prof. Momoyo Kaijima
“Informal Learning as a Studio Practice“
Seppe de Blust, Grégoire Farquet, Charlotte Schaeben, June 2022
“Learning Spaces in Pandemic Times”
Participation in Innovation in Learning and Teaching Fair and KITE Award,
LET, ETH, May 2022
Informal Learning as a studio practice
Research Day, Ecological turn in architecture. Social ecologies panel
D-ARCH, ETH Zurich Hönngerbergg, April 2022.
“Understanding informal learning spaces:
the value of using socio- spatial tools”
Emo, B., Farquet, G., Kaijima, M., and Hölscher, C. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Space Syntax Symposium, Bergen, 2022
“Linking the design of university learning spaces to students’ experience”
Emo, B., Farquet, G., Kaijima, M., and Hölscher, C. Cognitive Processing 22 (Supp 1), p. 45, 2021
Organised by gta Exhibitions in collaboration with e-flux architecture,
gta foyer, HIL, ETH Zurich Hönngerberg. Oct-Dec 2020